The 80+ research staff of the Institute have scientific and technical skills in terrestrial, freshwater and estuarine ecology, and in behaviour change. Staff have undertaken research and monitoring in natural and modified environments throughout Australia and are regularly involved in international projects. Staff have significant expertise in the ecology of wetlands, rivers, estuaries, forests, grasslands, deserts and alpine ecosystems.

ARI is structured into 3 sections and 13 research programs that span freshwater, estuarine, marine and terrestrial environments. The institute is headed by a senior leadership team, which includes two high level science quality and communication roles. The Senior Leadership Team, program managers and research and technical staff are profiled below. Profiles describe main areas of expertise and background and where relevant, include key projects and a link to publications. ARI is also supported by a business and administration team.

Many others not listed here also contribute to the work at ARI including short term staff, staff in the DELWP Graduate Program, contractors, collaborators, students and volunteers.

For general enquiries on the Institute or environmental issues, contact the DELWP Customer Service Centre.

Staff profiles:

Our Leadership Team

Institute DirectorFern Hames
Science Leadership and CapabilityDr Lindy
Community Ecology SectionTim O'
Ecological Analysis and Synthesis Program Dr Graeme Newell
Fire Ecology Program Dr Josephine MacHunter
Vegetation Ecology and Threatened Flora Program Claire Moxham
Disturbance Ecology Program Dr Arn Tolsma
Waterbirds and Wetlands Program Peter Menkhorst
Wildlife Ecology SectionDr Jenny
Threatened Fauna Program Nick Clemann
Wildlife Management ProgramDr Dave
Predator Management Program Dr Alan Robley
Applied Aquatic Ecology SectionDr Jarod
Aquatic Biodiversity and Conservation Program Dr Tarmo Raadik
Riparian and Wetland Ecology Program Dr Ashley
Aquatic Connectivity and Fish Passage Program Justin O'Connor justin.o'
Instream Habitat and Environmental Flows Program Dr Zeb Tonkin
Population Processes Program (acting)Dr Rob Hale
Science Manager Impact and CollaborationAndrew Geschke
Manager - Planning, Strategy and ReportingSteve

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Senior Leadership Team

Fern Hames

Fern Hames
Institute Director

Fern leads ARI to undertake world-class, strategic applied research to support and guide nature conservation, continuing a strong tradition of delivering robust, contemporary research in ecology, the environment and in people-nature dimensions. She has extensive experience in freshwater fish research, engagement, science communication, citizen science and exploring how people connect with and act for nature. Fern was awarded a 2021 Victorian Public Service Medal for outstanding contributions to nature conservation; received the Australian National Emergency Medal in 2010; is a Fellow of the Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society, Munich; a Fellow of the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation, and a member of the Homeward Bound leadership faculty (women's leadership programs in Antarctica).

Selected publications
Andrew Geschke

Science Manager Impact and Collaboration
Andy leads ARI’s Impact and Collaboration Program to grow visibility and understanding of ARI's science. The program provides advice, training and communications support (including delivering ARI's Subscriptions) to elevate our scientists reach and impact. Andy connects people with our science stories by combining his environmental science background with technology. Andy’s applies his expertise in storytelling, photography, social media, online facilitation, virtual reality, GIS and design to share ARI’s science. Andy also manages the Knowledges, Behaviour and Science Impact Section at ARI.

Selected projects:
ARI Project Map
ARI Subscriptions
Walking with Scientists

Selected publications

Dr Lindy Lumsden

Lindy Lumsden 
Science Leadership and Capability 

Lindy's role provides and supports the development of scientific leadership through building capability and enhancing the quality of research. Lindy is internationally recognised as an expert on the ecology and conservation of insectivorous bats. She also undertakes research on threatened arboreal mammals, especially Leadbeater's Possums, and provides scientific input and advice to a wide range of state and national planning and decision-making processes.

Selected projects:
Artificial hollows for Leadbeater's Possum
Regional Forest Agreements
Extensive new knowledge on threatened species

Selected publications
Dr Jenny Nelson

Jenny Nelson 
Wildlife Ecology Section Leader 

Jenny leads a team that conducts applied research on threatened and introduced vertebrate fauna, and wildlife management issues. Jenny’s research has focused on designing robust survey programs and collecting high quality data to inform management of threatened fauna, particularly in relation to timber harvesting. Her work deals with a wide range of species and their habitats, including arboreal (particularly Greater Gliders and Leadbeater’s Possums) and ground-dwelling mammals, bats, reptiles, owls and cockatoos. She has also developed and implemented survey methods and monitoring programs for Spotted-tailed Quolls, Smoky Mouse and White-footed Dunnarts.

Selected projects:
Leadbeater’s Possum – camera surveys in trees
Estimating Greater Glider density to guide on-ground management actions
Regional Forest Agreement (Landscape Scale Surveys)

Selected publications
Tim O'Brien

Community Ecology Section Leader

Tim leads a team whose research includes the development of specialist spatial modelling and decision support tools to inform policy and management of biodiversity, structured decision analysis processes for complex ecological issues and the design of assessment programs for threatened and introduced taxa including vegetation, birds, reptiles and mammals. Tim and his team work closely with a broad range of scientific and management organisations across south-east Australia as well as internationally.

Selected projects:
Adaptive Learning: effectiveness of on-ground management actions
Assessing the conservation benefits of revegetation 

Selected publications
Dr Jarod Lyon

Jarod Lyon
Aquatic Ecology Section Leader

Jarod leads a team that examines various aspects of restoration ecology, ecological management plans and intervention-based research that helps inform management and policy decisions. The team has strong links across a range of organisations, including government departments, Catchment Management Authorities and Universities. Jarod has many years’ experience as a freshwater fish scientist, including planning for, undertaking and monitoring the restoration of woody habitat into rivers and streams, understanding the impact of bushfires on aquatic systems, threatened species management and angler liaison.

Selected projects:
Carp biomass estimate
Tracking Australian eel migration using satellites
Murray River resnagging

Selected publications
Dr Ashley Sparrow

Ashley Sparrow
Principal Research Scientist (Aquatic)

Ashley leads the Riparian and Wetland Ecology Program and is principal scientist for strategic projects and staff development in the Applied Aquatic Ecology Section. Whilst currently focused on catchment, floodplain and wetland processes and their management, he has a broad background in landscape, vegetation and soil ecology, and experience across a range of ecosystem types, from hot deserts to temperate rainforests to Antarctic dry valleys. His skill sets include systems thinking, participatory action research, monitoring and evaluation, and biostatistics.

Selected projects:
Wetland Intervention Monitoring Program (WIMP)
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP)
Long-term Water Resources Assessment (LTWRA) - waterway health

Selected publications
Steve Werner 

Steve Werner 
Manager - Planning, Strategy & Reporting

Steve joined DEECA in 2006, after 25 years in the private sector and three in local government. He has extensive business management experience in strategic planning, process and system improvement, service excellence and change management. He has expertise in client feedback systems and has overseen a number of change management projects in both the private and public sectors.

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Our staff


Dr Nevil Amos

Nevil Amos 
Nevil’s areas of interest span from fire ecology and spatial modelling to landscape genetics and bird evolutionary ecology. Much of his work uses geographic information systems to model expected patterns of abundance of fauna and providing user friendly interfaces for complex modelling and reporting systems on potential outcomes of land management options. He also co-ordinates fieldwork on the Eastern Yellow Robin with collaborators at Monash University.

Selected projects:
Fire Analysis Module for Ecological values (FAME)
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP)
Evolutionary ecology and genetics of the Eastern Yellow Robins

Selected publications
Frank Amtstaetter

Frank has over 25 years of experience in fisheries research and management. The focus of Frank’s work relates to assessing the responses of native fish to various human-induced factors, such as altered flow regimes, recreational, commercial and subsistence fisheries, and habitat degradation. More recently, Frank has been investigating the effects of fish passage remediation and the effectiveness of environmental flow releases on riverine and wetland fish populations.

Selected projects:
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP) 

Selected publications
Sarah Bartlett

Sarah Bartlett 
Sarah is a practitioner in the design of behaviour change interventions. She is supporting the Victorians Value Nature project, with social science research to help build understanding of behaviours supporting the health of Victoria’s biodiversity. Her experience in change programs includes working with CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems, WorkSafe Victoria, and the Bureau of Meteorology’s Flood Forecasting and Warning Service. She’s also led the design and related social research for multiple community based social marketing programs, including increasing feral deer awareness and reports of sightings in the Northern Rivers of NSW.

Selected projects:
Victorians Value Nature
How Victorians can act for nature
Khorloo Batpurev

Khorloo Batpurev 
Khorloo works on terrestrial flora and decision tools that inform conservation planning, which utilises her broad skills in flora surveys, field and GIS based mapping and spatial analysis. Her research has particularly focused on adaptive management of Natural Temperate Grasslands, she has contributed to a wide range of spatial products delivered by ARI, including statewide rainforest extent and type, estuarine vegetation condition along Victoria’s coast and the distribution of eucalypt stem age across East Gippsland forests.

Selected projects:
Melbourne Strategic Assessment
Regional Forest Agreement (Landscape Scale Surveys)
Quantifying ecosystem condition using expert opinion in Gobi Desert, Mongolia

Selected publications 
Dr Geoff Brown
Hooded Scaly-foot 
Geoff specialises in the study and management of terrestrial vertebrates across diverse landscapes. His work includes the research and monitoring of threatened species of reptiles, frogs and invertebrates, koala management; as well as the processes affecting faunal assemblages of forests, woodlands, desert and agricultural landscapes. He is contributing to WetMAP frog monitoring to inform the delivery of environmental water for biodiversity benefits. He regularly provides expert advice on a wide range of wildlife management issues, particularly relating to threatened reptiles.

Selected projects:
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP)
Restoration thinning to recover habitat
Plains-wanderer and Hooded Scaly-foot habitat

Selected publications
Dr Matt Bruce

Matt Bruce
Matt’s main area of interest is improving management of threatened species and ecological communities through the design and implementation of ecological monitoring and management response models. He is also part of a team developing new approaches to prioritising research projects that are relevant to management. Matt has experience in studying the response of flora, fauna and carbon stocks to different fire regimes in Victorian forests. He maintains an interest in how human and non-human animal behaviour can be applied to conservation problems.

Selected projects:
Biodiversity Knowledge Framework
Melbourne Strategic Assessment Program
Fire regimes, carbon levels and biodiversity
Selected publications
Dave Bryant

Dave Bryant
Dave’s main area of research is terrestrial fauna although he also has a background in freshwater ecology. He has worked on most faunal groups including arboreal and ground dwelling mammals, bats, birds, reptiles, frogs, freshwater and terrestrial invertebrates and fish. More recently he has specialised in fauna surveys and monitoring of threatened species within grassland communities on the basalt plains. He is familiar with a variety of survey techniques and actively explores new ways to detect and record fauna. 

Selected projects:
Melbourne Strategic Assessment Program
Plains Wanderer - development of an acoustic recogniser

Selected publications
Amanda Bush

Amanda Bush
Amanda's main area of research is determining ways to improve methods of monitoring cave dwelling bats. She also studies the distribution of terrestrial and arboreal mammals in forest habitats with a focus on threatened species, and has extensive field experience particularly in camera trapping and insectivorous bat surveys.

Selected projects:
Artificial hollows for Leadbeater’s Possum
Leadbeater's possum - camera surveys in trees
Extensive new knowledge on threatened species

Justin Cally

Justin Cally

Justin’s research is split between the Wildlife Management and Biometrics programs. As part of the Wildlife Management program, Justin investigates the management and environmental impacts of introduced and native species across Victoria. Within the Biometrics program, Justin applies quantitative methods across a broad range of Wildlife Ecology research areas. To help assess impacts and drivers of species occurrence, distribution, and trends, he uses a variety of ecological modelling techniques. Justin is knowledgeable across a range of related areas: data engineering, Bayesian statistics, hierarchical mixed models, species distribution models, phylogenetics, meta-analyses and data visualisation.

Selected projects:
Monitoring deer distribution, abundance and impacts across Victoria
The occurrence of native species in relation to the 2019 fires and introduced predators in Gippsland

Selected publications
Nick Clemann

Nick Clemann
Nick leads the Threatened Fauna Program, which conducts applied research on vertebrate fauna. Nick is an expert reviewer of reptile and frog records for DEECA’s Victorian Biodiversity Atlas and regularly provides threatened species and herpetological advice. Nick is also a member of DEECA’s Threatened Vertebrate Translocation Panel and several National Recovery Teams. He regularly co-supervises PhD students studying threatened reptiles and frogs. Nick has worked overseas including in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Argentina. He has an honorary position with Museums Victoria.

Selected projects:
Bushfire response 2020 - impacts on reptiles and frogs 
Ecology of reptiles of the Mallee and alpine
Victorian venom bank collaboration - snakes

Selected publications
Pam Clunie

Pam Clunie
Pam’s role primarily relates to communication and engagement activities associated with the Applied Aquatic Ecology section, focussing on sharing information about our projects, expertise and achievements, as well as enhancing stakeholder relationships. She produces the Applied Aquatic Ecology Quarterly Updates, contributes to website and media content and a suite of other resources. Pam also works on a range of large and small projects, including those that involve citizen science.

Selected projects:
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP)
Fishers fishing for fish ear bones

Selected publications
Gabriel Cornell

Gabriel Cornell
Gabriel’s research focuses mainly on small-bodied fishes and includes assessing fish responses to water for the environment, wetland connectivity, instream restoration and threatened species. His field experience includes electrofishing and wetland fish survey techniques, such as fyke and seine net sampling. Gabriel has previously studied arid invertebrate ecology in South Africa and freshwater restoration in Melbourne. Gabriel also manages ARI's website and eNews.

Selected projects:
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP)

Selected publications
Dr Jemma Cripps

Jemma Cripps
Jemma’s research is focused on terrestrial fauna, particularly arboreal gliders and possums in relation to timber harvesting. She provides scientific input and advice on a range of topics to support decision-making processes. She has experience using several survey techniques for monitoring threatened species, including camera trapping, spotlighting, owl call-playback, animal capture and radio-tracking. Jemma’s background includes disease ecology research in large herbivores, primarily kangaroos and introduced deer.

Selected projects:
Leadbeater’s Possum – camera surveys in trees
Regional Forest Agreements (Landscape Scale Surveys)
Deer-livestock interaction and disease

Selected publications
Diane Crowther

Di specialises in river health and macroinvertebrate ecology, with a particular focus on threatened species, and citizen science. Di’s work involves collaboration with government, universities, and the community. Di is a member of the Australian Freshwater Sciences Society and the Australian Entomological Society.

Selected projects:
Dandenong Burrowing Crayfish in Cool Temperate Rainforest
New survey methods and fire effects on rare crayfish in Gippsland

Selected publications
Rob Dabal

Rob is a plant ecologist whose main area of interest is the way in which vegetation responds to disturbance at a landscape scale and how its function is influenced, particularly the ongoing impacts of climate change and ecological function. Rob provides vegetation advice and botanic expertise in riparian, wetland, forest and grassy ecosystems. Rob has extensive experience in managing large scale monitoring and assessment surveys.

Selected projects:
Melbourne Strategic Assessment - ARI
Monitoring deer distribution, abundance and impacts across Victoria
Regional Forestry Agreements - ARI
David Dawson       

Dave Dawson 
David’s main areas of research include the response of native fish to environmental flows as well as fish passage and movement. David’s work has focused on Australian Grayling and Golden Perch. Survey techniques commonly used include electrofishing, netting surveys, egg/larval surveys, acoustic telemetry, radio telemetry and water quality monitoring.

Selected projects:
Fish spawning and recruitment
Index of estuary condition
Fishways and fish movement

Selected publications
Judy Downe

Judy Downe
Judy has extensive knowledge of the Victorian flora and has worked on a range of projects from fire ecology to threatened species condition assessments. Judy’s current area of research is investigating the effect of flooding, from both natural and environmental flows, on terrestrial and aquatic flora in Victorian wetlands. This information will provide enhanced biodiversity management and policy outcomes.

Selected projects:
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP)
Condition assessment of Silurian Limestone Pomaderris Shrubland
Louise Durkin

Louise Durkin
Louise’s research focuses on threatened terrestrial fauna, particularly Leadbeater’s Possums and Greater Gliders in relation to timber harvesting and forest ecology. She also designs and implements monitoring of amphibian and freshwater turtle communities to assess the impact of environmental watering. Louise is experienced with a range of survey techniques, including camera trapping, spotlighting, thermal imaging and call-playback surveys, pitfall trapping, animal capture and radio-tracking. Louise has a field ecology background in the international conservation non-government organisation sector.

Selected projects:
Leadbeater's Possum - camera surveys in trees
Regional Forest Agreements (Landscape Scale Surveys)
Selected publications
Dr Brad Farmilo

Brad Farmilo
Brad’s primary research interest is on the role of disturbance (grazing, fire, drought) on endangered grassy ecosystems of south-eastern Australia. In addition, Brad works on a range of vegetation monitoring programs to determine the effectiveness of management actions to improve conservation outcomes. Brad’s skills range from method development, data analysis, scientific publication and communication.

Selected projects:
Weed control in threatened native grasslands
Monitoring native grassland for conservation
Using monitoring to improve native vegetation management

Selected publications
Dr Ben Fanson

Ben Fanson
Ben is one of ARI’s biometricians and provides scientific and statistical support across the institute. This support ranges from developing experimental designs, statistical consultation, conducting multi-day statistical workshops (e.g. data wrangling in R, GLMMs in R) and performing the analyses for projects.  Due to the rich diversity of projects and experimental designs implemented at ARI, Ben uses a diverse array of statistical methods, such as joint species modelling using state-space models, hierarchical mixed models, and Bayesian methods.

Selected projects:
Preparing for carp herpesvirus
Fishways and fish movement
Salinity tolerance of Murray Hardyhead

Selected publications
Tim Fernando
Tim is a scientist in the Aquatic Biodiversity & Conservation Program with a focus on applied research and management of threatened fish, mussels and crayfish. Tim joined ARI in 2022 having previously worked in Alice Springs as a park ranger and as a scientist. During this time he lead fish surveys in the Finke river, engaging with First Nation people and Traditional Owners across Central Australia waterholes. Tim also brings a suite of media skills including videography which is used to communicate and promote his program’s projects to a wide-ranging audience.

Selected projects:
Removing trout for Barred Galaxias conservation
Understanding and protecting our threatened galaxiids
Lachlan Francis

Lachlan Francis
Lachlan’s area of research is in population modelling and spatial data analysis. Lachlan also has experience with expert elicitation techniques, prioritisation methodologies, and a range of field survey techniques, as well as a background in civil design and construction industries. Lachlan was part of the successful Macquarie Island pest eradication project, and has an interest in applied island conservation, particularly management of introduced vertebrate fauna on islands.

Selected projects:
Best-practice guidelines for fox management
Andrew Geschke

Andrew Geschke
Andy provides in-house communications and media support for our researchers; helping connect people with our science stories. Combining his environmental science training with technology, Andy’s applies his expertise in photography, social media, 360 filming and virtual reality, video editing, GIS and design to share ARI’s science. Andy also supports our citizen science, biodiversity forums and events and Traditional Owner engagement.

Selected projects:
Victorians value nature
Walking with scientists - VR 360

Selected publications
Dr Peter Griffioen

Peter Griffioen
Peter provides computer programming skills, ecological spatial data analysis and satellite image processing. Peter also curates large in-house ecological datasets which include extensive flora and fauna records. He develops custom satellite image and map grid processing software in conjunction with Machine Learning and Deep Learning models to provide maps of species habitat distributions, land cover and land use maps.

Selected projects:
Regional Forest Agreements
Wetland species habitat modelling
Historic satellite image analysis
Graeme Hackett

Graeme is a senior technician with extensive experience in fish sampling techniques including electrofishing, netting, tagging and telemetry, water quality and flow sampling methods. He is also involved in database management and fish earbone collection, preparation and interpretation. Graeme works across a wide range of large and small-scale fish monitoring and research projects.

Selected projects:
Electrofishing technology
Murray River resnagging
Dr Rob Hale

Rob Hale
Rob's research falls broadly into two categories: investigating fundamental questions related to the population and behavioural ecology of aquatic taxa; and understanding how aquatic ecosystems respond to disturbances and subsequent attempts to restore habitat and flows. Rob also has extensive experience in the design and assessment of environmental monitoring programs.

Selected projects:
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP)
Fish responses to habitat restoration

Selected publications
Annique Harris

Annique Harris
Annique provides technical support using fish survey techniques to assess the influence of environmental watering on native fish life history processes. Annique is experienced in otolith (fish ear bone) analysis techniques such as ageing and microchemistry, which provide valuable data relating to fish population structure.

Selected projects:
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)

Selected publications
Dr Katherine Harrisson

Katherine Harrisson
Katherine’s primary research interest is applying genetic and genomic approaches to help answer applied conservation questions and improve how we manage biodiversity under human-driven environmental change. She has worked across a diverse range of taxa and study systems, with her current research focusing mainly on the genetic health and management of native Australian freshwater fish species.

Selected projects:
Genetic health of native fish

Selected publications
Dr Cindy Hauser

Cindy develops quantitative analyses to support environmental management and decision-making, from threatened species conservation to invasive species control and sustainable natural resource management. She is particularly interested in finding better ways to design, conduct and analyse surveys. Her work is informed by decision science and draws broadly from mathematics, statistics and programming.

Selected projects:
Fire Analysis Model for Ecological values (FAME)
Melbourne Strategic Assessment Program
Mapping habitat condition across Victoria

Selected publications
Sally Hladyz

Sally Hladyz
Sally Hladyz is a community and ecosystem freshwater ecologist. Her research focus is on linking biodiversity, ecosystem function and food webs in an applied context to help improve the management of freshwater ecosystems. Sally has expertise in determining environmental flow benefits for river and wetland health, bioassessment of rivers using macroinvertebrates and ecosystem functioning assays and water quality issues in managed river channels in the Murray-Darling Basin. 

Selected projects:
Flow-MER: Monitoring Evaluation and Research Program

Selected publications
Liam  Hogan
Liam provides technical support for a range of aquatic research projects and assists in the maintenance and repair of ARI gear and equipment. Liam previously worked as a restoration ecologist and crew manager in the private sector for a number of years, before completing post graduate study in fish management and conservation. Liam works across a wide range of fish monitoring and research projects. 

Selected projects:
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)
Native Fish Report Cards
Katie Howard

Katie Howard
Katie works mainly on herpetofauna with both aquatic and terrestrial life history stages, particularly turtles and frogs. Katie has experience with a range of survey techniques including trapping, call-playback, remote monitoring (including cameras and audio devices) and VHF, acoustic and GPS tracking. She provides scientific input and advice regarding Victorian freshwater turtle ecology and management to inform a range of state and local government decision-making processes.

Selected projects:
Tracking turtles to determine impacts of water for the environment
Cultural conservation of freshwater turtles
Introduced predator management and turtles: Hattah-Kulkyne

Selected publications
Will Ingram

Will Ingram an Aquatic Technical Officer with ARI. Will has previously worked with the Victorian Fisheries Authority, where he bred, stocked and collected native fish and salmonids. During this time Will undertook a number of projects including the Darling fish rescue operation in 2019, Estuary and Macquarie Perch brood stock and breeding programs, and an 8 month secondment as a Fisheries Support officer in Swan Hill.  

Selected projects:
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)
Native Fish Report Cards
Lauren Johnson (nee Dodd)

Lauren Johnson
Lauren’s main areas of research involve threatened fish species, particularly Australian Grayling and Barred Galaxias. Her work has involved a variety of monitoring programs using numerous survey techniques including backpack/bank-mounted/boat electrofishing, fyke/dip/mesh/bait-trap/seine netting, radio tracking, tagging, and genetics. Lauren also provides program support to the Applied Aquatic Ecology group.

Selected projects:
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)
Salinity tolerance of Murray Hardyhead
Barred Galaxias conservation 

Selected publications
Dr Chris Jones
Chris Jones        
Chris is a quantitative vegetation ecologist with 10 years' experience in freshwater ecosystems throughout Victoria. He completed his PhD at the University of Melbourne on riparian vegetation monitoring. Chris’s work and research has focused on a range of vegetation types, including coastal, heathland, mallee, woodland, forest and alpine systems. Chris has extensive experience in the design, implementation, analysis and communication of monitoring programs – particularly in riparian systems.

Selected projects:
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)

Selected publications
Dr Matthew Jones

Matt Jones
Matthew is a freshwater fish ecologist with 20 years' experience working in freshwater ecosystems throughout Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia. Matthew’s work focuses on fish movement, fishways and instream barriers including concept design and review, environmental flows, common carp management, Passive Integrates Transponder (PIT) Systems, and 'fish friendly' stream gauging stations.

Selected projects:
Fish friendly stream gauging station program
Fishways and fish movement
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)

Selected publications
Dr Sally Kenny

Sally’s principal research focus is the influence of disturbance regimes (grazing, flooding, fire) on mallee ecosystems including semi-arid woodlands, eucalypt shrublands and floodplains. Information gathered from these projects allows management agencies to enhance their current biodiversity conservation actions. Sally’s expertise ranges from ecological experimental design and vegetation survey techniques, data management and analysis, GIS modelling and scientific publication

Selected projects:
Health of semi-arid non-eucalypt woodlands
Vegetation response to environmental watering at Hattah Lakes
Assessing stock management practices on remnant vegetation in the Mallee

Selected publications
Adrian Kitchingman

Adrian Kitchingman
Adrian is primarily focused on research into the effects of habitat and flows on fish life histories. He also uses skills in spatial database systems and GIS analysis/development to contribute to a variety of other ARI research projects and DEECA sections. His work has ranged from the modelling of Victoria’s instream woody habitat and effects of flow regimes on Silver Perch populations to developing database systems to better manage ARI’s aquatic field data.

Selected projects:
Victorian instream habitat assessment
Index of Estuary Condition
Murray River resnagging

Selected publications
Dr Nyil Khwaja

Nyil is an ornithologist with broad interests in behaviour, ecology, evolution and conservation. He has led research on forest passerines in New Zealand and migratory shorebirds in tropical Australia, and contributed to Red List assessments for globally threatened species. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy for university teaching. Nyil’s research at ARI examines how wetland and woodland birds respond to environmental watering.

Selected projects:
Ecological monitoring within the  Victorian Murray Floodplain  Restoration Project
Assessing wetland response to water for the environment

Selected publications

Dr Michele Kohout

Michele Kohout

Michele has experience in vegetation ecology at a range of scales, from the individual to landscape processes, in a number of fields. Her research includes threatened plant species, fire ecology and invasive species, using a variety of field monitoring techniques and plant identification. She works in a range of different habitats including forests, grasslands, alpine vegetation and estuaries.

Selected projects:
Fire regimes, carbon levels and biodiversity
Melbourne Strategic Assessment Program

Selected publications
Dr Wayne Koster

Wayne Koster
Wayne leads research projects on native fish ecology and conservation across Victoria and more broadly in south-eastern Australia. Wayne has an extensive knowledge of the ecology and habitat requirements of freshwater fish species. The focus of much of Wayne’s recent work relates to movement and spawning ecology and conservation implications for riverine fishes, particularly the development of environmental flow recommendations aimed at restoring suitable flow regimes for fish in regulated rivers.

Selected projects:
Tracking Australian eel migration using satellites
Responses of Australian Grayling to environmental water allocation
Influence of streamflow on spawning-related movements of Golden Perch 

Selected publications
Harriet Kulich
 Harriet Kulich
Harriet is an ecologist with a focus on birds and vegetation. She is interested in better understanding human impacts in the environment, with her postgraduate research investigating how artificial light at night impacts bird behaviour and cognition. Harriet has also worked in biosecurity, managing invasive species throughout Victoria. Harriet’s current research seeks to inform management decisions by investigating how birds and vegetation respond to environmental water flows in rivers and wetlands.

Selected projects:

Ecological monitoring within the Victorian Murray Floodplain Restoration Project
Assessing wetland response to water for the environment
Kate Lee
Kate Lee 
Kate coordinates the Victorians Value Nature (VVN) program, and with the VVN team, works closely with partners to support all Victorians in connecting with and acting for nature. Drawing together behaviour science and environmental science, the VVN program builds conservation actions that help protect biodiversity and ensure our environment is healthy. Kate is an interdisciplinary researcher looking at nature connection, urban environments, health and wellbeing, program design and evaluation, and ways of working together for change.

Selected projects:
Victorians Value Nature
How Victorians can act for nature
Dr Rachel Leihy
Rachel Leihy 
Rachel is a community ecologist, with an interest in understanding spatial and temporal biodiversity patterns to support conservation and management decisions. Her PhD and post-doctoral research at Monash University investigated the effect of human activities on the wilderness and biodiversity value of Antarctic and sub-Antarctic ecosystems.

Selected projects:
Spatial models for wetland management 
Strategic management prospects

Selected publications
Dr Pia Lentini

Pia’s research currently focuses on terrestrial fauna conservation and management, particularly marsupials, bats and birds in forest and woodland ecosystems. Her work is a mix of field ecology, quantitative ecology, spatial sciences and planning, and she enjoys projects that draw in people from across disciplines such as decision science and environmental psychology. Pia is also a member of DEECA’s Scientific Advisory Committee.

Selected projects:
Leadbeater's Possum - camera surveys in trees 
Regional Forest Agreements

Selected publications
Jason Lieschke

Jason Lieschke
Jason has extensive experience working across Victoria, and more broadly in south-eastern Australia. His research mainly focuses on threatened species, particularly their distributions and habitats. Jason works closely with the Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA), including providing input into management of wild trout fisheries. He is also the coordinator of aquatic ecology operations and head of the electrofishing committee at ARI.

Selected projects:
Electrofishing technology
Native Fish Report Card Program
Index of Estuary Condition

Selected publications
Dr Canran Liu

Canran Liu
Canran is a quantitative ecologist and has studied mathematics, statistical ecology and plant ecology. He has expertise in statistical analysis, spatial analysis, diversity measurement and ecological modelling, especially species distribution modelling. He has had many international roles, including at Henan Agricultural University (China), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Princeton University, University of Toronto, University of Oxford, and University of New England.

Selected projects:
Habitat distribution models (HDMs) 
Regional Forest Agreements

Selected publications
Dr Lindy Lumsden

Lindy Lumsden

Science Leadership and Capability

Lindy's role provides and supports the development of scientific leadership through building capability and enhancing the quality of research. Lindy is internationally recognised as an expert on the ecology and conservation of insectivorous bats. She also undertakes research on threatened arboreal mammals, especially Leadbeater's Possums, and provides scientific input and advice to a wide range of state and national planning and decision-making processes.

Selected projects:
Artificial hollows for Leadbeater's Possum
Regional Forest Agreements
Extensive new knowledge on threatened species

Selected publications
Dr Jarod Lyon

Jarod Lyon
Aquatic Ecology Section Leader

Jarod leads a team that examines various aspects of restoration ecology, ecological management plans and intervention-based research that helps inform management and policy decisions. The team has strong links across a range of organisations, including government departments, Catchment Management Authorities and Universities. Jarod has many years’ experience as a freshwater fish scientist, including planning for, undertaking and monitoring the restoration of woody habitat into rivers and streams, understanding the impact of bushfires on aquatic systems, threatened species management and angler liaison.

Selected projects:
Carp biomass estimate
Tracking Australian eel migration using satellites
Murray River resnagging

Selected publications
Phoebe Macak

Smoky Mouse
Phoebe's main areas of research involve terrestrial fauna, particularly arboreal possums and gliders in relation to timber harvesting. Her work has focused on a range of threatened species, such as the Smoky Mouse and Leadbeater's Possum, the impact of salvage harvesting on diurnal birds, ibis feeding ecology, and uses a variety of survey techniques including small mammal trapping, owl call-back, microbat call recording and processing, spotlighting and radio-tracking.

Selected projects:
Use of nest boxes in Victoria
Smoky Mouse movement across a strategic fuel break
Leadbeater's Possum - camera surveys in trees

Selected publications
Dr Josephine MacHunter

Josephine leads the Fire Ecology program which develops and applies decision analysis, and risk assessment tools, to improve consideration of biodiversity in land management decisions. Her work includes developing ecological models of species’ responses to fire, plant and animal functional traits, elicitation and application of expert judgement, and methods for  addressing uncertainty in decision making. Research from her PhD focused on the long-term effects of forest fragmentation on birds in Victoria.

Selected projects:
Fire Analysis Module for Ecological values (FAME) 
Fire regimes, carbon levels and biodiversity

Selected publications
John Mahoney

John is a senior technician who manages and maintains our collection of fishing nets, and liaises with local clients and suppliers for specialist gear. He has extensive experience in a variety of fish sampling techniques, electrofishing, netting and identification of larvae and other life stages of native fish species. John works across a wide range of large and small scale fish monitoring and research projects.
Selected projects:
Electrofishing technology
Tess McLaren

Tess provides communications and media support for our researchers, helping connect people with our science stories. Combining her environmental science and design training with technology, Tess applies her expertise in visual communication, design, zoology, photography, GIS, and various technologies, to share ARI’s science. Tess also supports our citizen science, biodiversity forums and events and Traditional Owner engagement.

Selected projects:
Victorians Value Nature
Peter Menkhorst

Peter Menkhorst
Beginning in 1976, Peter has contributed to many aspects of wildlife research and management including fauna survey, the development of the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas, the classification and management of threatened species, management of over-abundant Koalas and studies of waterbird ecology and abundance. He is lead author of an authoritative textbook on Victorian mammals, and of field guides to both the birds and the mammals of Australia. Peter now works part-time as manager of the waterbirds and wetlands program.

Selected projects:
Koala translocation
Aging and sexing game birds using feathers
Waterbirds at the Western Treatment Plant

Selected publications
Dr Maddi Miller

Maddi Miller 
Maddi is a joint ARI-University of Melbourne post-doctoral Research Fellow. Her research seeks to bring together ways of knowing place and highlights Indigenous ecological knowledges and practice. Maddi has a background in archaeology and cultural heritage and has advocated for ecological research to be inclusive of Indigenous knowledge systems and perspectives.

Selected projects:
Multiple ways of knowing Country
Bryan Mole

Bryan’s current area of research includes riparian and wetland ecosystems with a particular emphasis on vegetation monitoring. Bryan has over 20 years’ experience in vegetation surveys across a broad range of ecosystems in south eastern Australia. He has an interest in plant taxonomy and Australian flora.

Selected projects:
Riparian Intervention Monitoring Program (RIMP)
Wetland Intervention Monitoring Program (WIMP) 
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)
Dr Paul Moloney

Paul Moloney
Paul is part of ARI’s Biometrics team which helps staff with experimental design and data analysis. His work has ranged from designing and analysing state-wide kangaroo surveys to fish movement analyses to estimating annual harvests of game species to helping design monitoring protocols for Koala’s in Blue Gum plantations. He is experienced and knowledgeable in both Frequentist and Bayesian statistics. Paul is also involved with training staff in statistical computer programs and analyses. 

Selected projects:
Analysis of post-construction fauna mortality monitoring at windfarms 
State-wide abundance of kangaroos in Victoria
The effects of long-term fox control in the Glenelg Ark

Selected publications
Dr Joslin Moore

Joslin Moore
Joslin is a quantitative ecologist with more than 15 years of experience undertaking ecology, conservation and decision science research in Europe, UK and Australia. Joslin uses a combination of field based experiments, observation, modelling and structured decision making to develop methods and applications that can be directly implemented by managers. Her research has addressed grassland response to eutrophication, restoration and management of native grasslands, management of invasive willows in eastern Victoria, decision frameworks for management of invasive species, optimal surveillance for marine pests, as well as developing and testing optimal surveillance methods for invasive plants. She has a particular interest in the conservation and management of alpine peatlands and native grasslands.

Selected publications
Dr Kay Morris

Kaye Morris
Kay’s research examines responses of aquatic plants to threats including nutrient enrichment, salinisation and altered water regimes. She has also studied how aquatic habitats are linked across the landscape through the dispersal of plants and animals. More recent research aims to understand the effectiveness of management actions, such as controlled grazing, revegetation, weed control and environmental flows, in improving vegetation condition. This also involves using models of biological connectivity to inform management decisions.

Selected projects:
Wetland Intervention Monitoring Program (WIMP)
Riparian Intervention Monitoring Program (RIMP)
Wetland Connectivity 

Selected publications
Claire Moxham

Claire leads the Vegetation Ecology and Threatened Flora program at ARI through a series of landscape scale, partnership research projects and monitoring programs that foster strategic ecological solutions leading to enhanced biodiversity, management and policy outcomes. Claire and her team's research is focused on various aspects of applied vegetation ecology (and threatened species ecology) to enable improved management practices to enhance biodiversity conservation. Claire has a personal interest in Mallee, floodplains, grassland and grassy woodland ecosystems.

Selected projects:
Restoring Black Box Woodlands
Vegetation response to environmental watering at Hattah Lakes
Assessing stock management practices on remnant vegetation in the Mallee

Selected publications
Annette Muir

Annette Muir
Annette is a plant ecologist whose main research area is the responses of native plants to fire. Her work involves collaboration with land managers to ensure the relevance of this research to management applications, and communications to different audiences. She has extensive experience in plant surveys and monitoring in a range of ecosystems across Victoria, including East Gippsland, Central Highlands and Box-Ironbark regions. 

Selected projects:
Fire regimes for banksias
Fire ecology retrospective study: looking back to learn for the future

Selected publications
Dr Jenny Nelson

Jenny Nelson
Wildlife Ecology Section Leader 
Jenny leads a team that conducts applied research on threatened and introduced vertebrate fauna, and wildlife management issues. Jenny’s research has focused on designing robust survey programs and collecting high quality data to inform management of threatened fauna, particularly in relation to timber harvesting. Her work deals with a wide range of species and their habitats, including arboreal (particularly Greater Gliders and Leadbeater’s Possums) and ground-dwelling mammals, bats, reptiles, owls and cockatoos. She has also developed and implemented survey methods and monitoring programs for Spotted-tailed Quolls, Smoky Mouse and White-footed Dunnarts.

Selected projects:
Leadbeater’s Possum – camera surveys in trees
Estimating Greater Glider density to guide on-ground management actions
Regional Forest Agreement (Landscape Scale Surveys)

Selected publications
Dr Graeme Newell

Graeme Newell
Graeme leads the Ecological Analysis and Synthesis group which is continually developing new approaches for gaining more information from species observations. The team regularly uses machine-learning algorithms to learn patterns from species observations in conjunction with environmental and remote-sensed data to produce new ‘maps’ or spatial models. The group has been at the forefront of producing habitat distribution models for most Victorian species and developing ways to monitor native vegetation and other land cover classes over long time periods.

Selected projects:
Regional Forest Agreement (Forest Stem Age & Habitat Distribution Models) 
Habitat distribution models (HDMs)
Mapping vegetation extent and condition

Selected publications

Mike Nicol

Mike Nicol
Mike has more than 20 years’ experience in ecology, more recently focusing on applied research and management of threatened fish, crayfish and mussels, and improved biodiversity knowledge in aquatic environments. He also has experience in aquatic drought refuges, measuring freshwater ecosystem health using aquatic invertebrates, database systems and GIS.

Selected projects:
Regional Forest Agreements (Landscape Scale Surveys)
Removing trout for Barred Galaxias conservation
Lower Snowy River monitoring and assessment

Selected publications
Dr Magdalena Nystrand

Magdalena Nystrad

Magdalena is an ecologist, with more than 15 years’ experience working across a broad range of disciplines and species, including behavioural and evolutionary ecology, immuno-ecology, population biology, and conservation. Her research has broadly focused on how environmental and intrinsic factors influence life-history traits in different systems, within and across generations. Magdalena is also experienced in project management and experimental design. Her current focus is on coordinating the Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP) and the Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program (WETMAP), and leading the development of a state-wide monitoring program for wetland birds and vegetation, as part of WetMAP.

Selected projects:
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP)
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)

Selected publications

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien 
Community Ecology Section Leader

Tim leads a team whose research includes the development of specialist spatial modelling and decision support tools to inform policy and management of biodiversity, structured decision analysis processes for complex ecological issues and the design of assessment programs for threatened and introduced taxa including vegetation, birds, reptiles and mammals.  Tim and his team work closely with a broad range of scientific and management organisations across south-east Australia as well as internationally.

Selected projects:
Adaptive Learning: effectiveness of on-ground management actions
Assessing the conservation benefits of revegetation 

Selected publications
Justin O'Connor

Justin O'Connor
Justin leads the Aquatic Connectivity program, and is interested in a holistic approach to riverine management. His research areas include connectivity, environmental flows, productivity and habitat restoration (all intrinsically linked) and the influence of each of these on the successful restoration of riverine fish populations.

Selected projects:
Fishways and fish movement
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)
Index of Estuary Condition 

Selected publications
Dr Carlo Pacioni

Carlo Pacioni
Carlo’s research focuses on applications of population genetic and modelling for wildlife and vertebrate pest management. He has worked with a variety of species, including the Woylie, Yellow-footed Antechinus, Ghost Bat, wild dogs and several deer species. Carlo has a background in veterinary science, which has led to his involvement in wildlife disease investigations. He has a strong interest in the use of molecular data for demographic, phylogeographic and epidemiological inference

Selected projects:
Genetic management of threatened species breeding programs and translocations
Deer-livestock interaction and disease
Rabbit biological control

Selected publications
Andrew Pickworth

Andrew is a senior technician with over 25 years of experience across a broad range of fish sampling and management projects, including the design and construction our fishway assessment traps. Andrew splits his time between field project work and managing the operations of the ARI workshop. He is responsible for the service, maintenance and upkeep of our fleet of vessels including seven electrofishing vessels and our bank-mounted electrofishing unit as well as assisting with building and fleet management.

Selected projects:
Electrofishing technology
Murray River resnagging
Dan Purdey

Dan Purdey
Dan’s work includes applying fauna survey techniques for investigating the effect on waterbirds of environmental water delivered to wetlands, determining the presence of threatened fauna such as Long-footed Potoroos and Leadbeater’s Possums, and monitoring invasive species such as foxes and cats. Invasive species work has included island cat eradication in Tasmania, and developing a predator proof fence. Dan also heads the DEECA Animal Ethics Committee and has developed videos for ARI projects.

Selected projects:
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP)
Camera trapping as a survey tool
Waterbird surveys in a large, tidal bay

Selected publications
Dr Tarmo Raadik

Tarmo Raadik
Tarmo leads the Aquatic Biodiversity & Conservation Program, focusing on applied research and management of threatened fish, crayfish and mussels, and improved biodiversity knowledge in aquatic environments. Tarmo is known nationally for his taxonomic expertise with fish and crayfish (14 new species) and is relied upon for his knowledge of species distributions, biology and threats. He also has a focus on aquatic drought refuges and provides scientific advice and input to a broad range of state and national aquatic issues.

Selected projects:
Bushfire response 2020: aquatic rescues
Conservation recovery of threatened galaxiid species in Gippsland
Regional Forest Agreements (Landscape Scale Surveys) 

Selected publications
Dr Dave Ramsey

David Ramsay
Dave leads the Wildlife Management program, which conducts research into the management of native and introduced fauna, especially kangaroos, koalas, deer, rabbits, wild dogs and foxes. Dave has extensive expertise in applied statistics and quantitative methods used for ecological data analysis and modelling, including in New Zealand and the USA. He frequently provides advice and analysis for a wide range of wildlife biosecurity issues including the management, eradication and surveillance of invasive species incursions and wildlife disease.

Selected projects:
Rabbit biological control
Koala translocation
Deer-livestock interaction and disease

Selected publications
Dr Scott Raymond

Scott Raymond
Scott has an interest in river and wetland restoration, population modelling and the conservation of threatened fishes. His research has focused on threatened species translocations, environmental impacts on larvae, fish distribution and movement patterns, alien species interactions with native fish communities and population dynamics of Murray Crayfish. Scott also manages the student and volunteer program at ARI.

Selected projects:
Victorian Demonstration Reach Program
Fish spawning and recruitment - Barmah-Millewa Forest
Murray River resnagging 

Selected publications
Dr Tracey Regan

Tracey Regan
Tracey’s research interests are broad, encompassing ecological risk assessment, quantitative applied ecology, and decision science. Tracey uses the principles of structured decision making coupled with ecological models to help navigate complex management questions to support evidence-based decision making within DEECA Tracey is also involved in the development and evaluation of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems, a global standard for ecosystem risk assessment. She was a member of the team that won the 2015 Australian Eureka Prize for this work.

Selected projects:
Melbourne Strategic Assessment Program - population viability analysis models for threatened species
Risk assessment of alpine ecosystems under climate change
Framework for prioritising wetland management
Selected publications
Christina Renowden
Christina is an interdisciplinary and applied researcher focused on human nature relationships and understanding how to engage more Victorians in pro-nature conservation behaviours. She is the Victoria Nature Festival Coordinator and works closely with DEECA’s environmental portfolio partners to deliver this annual flagship program for the Victorian community. Christina has extensive experience in nature-connection programs, community engagement, science communication and citizen science. Christina is interested in pursuing further research that embraces multiple ways of understanding people’s relationship with nature.

Selected projects:
Victoria Nature Festival
How Victorians can act for nature

Selected publications

Dr Alan Robley

Alan Robley
Alan leads the Predator Management Program, which provides high-quality research and advice to support the management of non-native invasive predators and their impact on native wildlife populations and agricultural enterprises. Alan’s research is currently focused on assessing approaches that improve the monitoring and management of feral cats and feral pigs. This includes approaches to monitoring the effectiveness of different tools for the control of feral cats and the population structure of feral pigs in South-east Australia.

Selected projects:
Determining the population structure of feral pigs
Assessing the effectiveness of cage trapping to manage feral cats

Selected publications
Dr Marlenne Rodriguez-Malagon

Marlenne Rodriguez-Malagon
Marlenne has extensive experience managing environmental conservation projects, both in Australia and in Mexico. Her main interests and expertise are in habitat restoration, invasive species management and seabird ecology. Marlenne works closely with the Forest and Fire Operations Division from DEECA as she coordinates the Strategic Fuel Breaks Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting project, developed in close collaboration with this department.

Selected projects:
Strategic Fuel Breaks

Selected publications
Dr Danny Rogers

Danny Rogers
Danny has extensive experience in shorebirds and wetlands birds. Major research includes studying the response of birds to water for the environment in selected inland Victorian wetlands and habitat selection by shorebirds and the implications for conservation and wetland management. He also monitors shorebirds and wildfowl at Melbourne’s largest sewage treatment facility. Danny has a long-standing involvement in monitoring waterbirds through the teamwork of volunteers and professionals. Other interests include waterbird movements, moults and foraging ecology, moults and field identification.

Selected projects:
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP)
Aging and sexing game birds using feathers
Waterbird surveys in a large, tidal bay

Selected publications
Raras Santosa

Raras Santosa
Raras contributes to administration, business support, project management and procedural requirements in the Community Ecology Section. She has administration and project supporting experience in the Office of Executive Director of Biosecurity Victoria. Raras has a background in zoology and environmental science and volunteered in research with The University of Melbourne and Museums Victoria.
Thomas Schneider

Thomas Schneider
Tom provides technical support to variety of wildlife research projects at ARI. Tom joined DEECA in 2021, after 8 years working in Environmental Science in the University sector and previously as a Conservation Parks Officer. Tom brings with him comprehensive knowledge of a wide range of wildlife survey techniques, and an understanding of innovative technology, multimedia and Geographic Information Systems.

Selected projects:
Tracking turtles to determine impacts for water for the environment
Bushfire response 2020 - impacts on gliders and owls
Spotted-tail quoll surveys
Monitoring effectiveness of aerial baiting for feral cats

Selected publications
Dr Michael Scroggie

alpine landscape
Michael is a quantitative ecologist with an interest in the application of statistical methods in wildlife conservation and management. His research includes studies of populations of threatened fauna and pest animals. He has a special interest in the ecology and conservation of frogs. Michael is a member of Ecological Society of Australia, and the Australian Society of Herpetologists. He is also an honorary fellow in the School of BioSciences at the University of Melbourne.

Selected projects:
State-wide abundance of kangaroos in Victoria
Role of disturbance in the conservation of Striped Legless Lizard
Greater Glider distance sampling

Selected publications
Dr Steve Sinclair

Steve Sinclair
Steve is a vegetation ecologist, specialising in grassy systems and wetlands. His work is diverse, including botanical field surveys, vegetation mapping, management advice, conservation genetics, monitoring and reporting, ecosystem modelling, and the explicit consideration of stakeholder values and knowledge in management decisions.

Selected projects:
Melbourne Strategic Assessment Program
Index of Estuarine Condition – assessment of fringing vegetation
Stakeholder-driven rangeland condition metrics in arid Mongolia

Selected publications
Dr Ashley Sparrow

Ashely Sparrow 
Principal Research Scientist (Aquatic)

Ashley leads the Riparian and Wetland Ecology Program and is principal scientist for strategic projects and staff development in the Applied Aquatic Ecology Section. Whilst currently focused on catchment, floodplain and wetland processes and their management, he has a broad background in landscape, vegetation and soil ecology, and experience across a range of ecosystem types, from hot deserts to temperate rainforests to Antarctic dry valleys. His skill sets include systems thinking, participatory action research, monitoring and evaluation, and biostatistics.

Selected projects:
Wetland Intervention Monitoring Program (WIMP)
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP)
Long-term Water Resources Assessment (LTWRA) - waterway health 

Selected publications
Dr Kasey Stamation

Kasey‘s main area of research involves marine mammals (particularly large whales) and waterbirds with a focus on research that informs management actions for species recovery and persistence. Kasey works on a range of projects including population dynamics of southern right whales, monitoring of waterbirds at the Western Treatment Plant and monitoring the impacts of environmental water on waterbirds at wetlands across Victoria. Kasey is experienced in managing large datasets and designing relational databases, curating many of ARI’s project databases.

Selected projects:
Southern Right Whale identification using photos
Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program for water for the environment (WetMAP)
Waterbirds at the Western Treatment Plant

Selected publications
Ruby Stoios
Ruby’s research primarily focuses on the recovery of fish populations in response to flooding and blackwater events. Ruby has experience in researching both invertebrates and fish species with a particular emphasis on the impacts of climate change across freshwater and marine ecosystems. She also has an interest in improving Science Communication between scientists and the public.

Selected projects:
Fish flood recovery
Geoff Sutter

Geoff Sutter
Geoff’s main areas of research involve terrestrial flora, mainly in relation to timber harvesting and effects of fire. His work focuses on field botany and laboratory identification, including extensive experience in vegetation mapping and assessments of effects of various land management practises on threatened species. Geoff also manages curation of the ARI herbarium.

Selected projects:
Regional Forest Agreements (Landscape Scale Surveys)

Selected publications
Fiona Sutton
Fiona is a plant ecologist with a knowledge of the flora and fauna of south-eastern Australia, specialising in floodplain, coastal saltmarsh, forest and grassy ecosystems. She has an interest in ecological management and restoration, particularly associated with invasive species and changes to hydrology, as well as habitat monitoring to track responding changes over time.

Selected publications
Dr Jim Thomson

Jim Thomson
Jim is a quantitative ecologist with expertise in conservation planning, spatial modelling and statistical analysis.  He has worked on terrestrial, freshwater, and estuarine ecosystems in Australia and internationally, with a focus on integrating and synthesizing data to understand anthropogenic impacts and improve ecological management. He has developed a range of spatial products and decision support tools to inform strategic biodiversity management in Victoria, and frequently provides scientific inputs to a range of state planning and decision-making processes.

Selected projects:
Strategic Management Prospects
Survey prioritisation tool for Forest Protection Survey
Regional Forest Agreements

Selected publications
Dr Charles Todd

Charles Todd
Charles provides expertise across ARI on developing population models to address key management and research questions affecting a variety of terrestrial and aquatic biota. His work has covered a range issues from threatened species to invasive species, from developing population models for localised small endemic species to population models addressing management questions at the scale of the Murray-Darling Basin. Charles works closely with a variety of agencies including local, interstate and international organisations.

Selected projects:
Population viability analysis model for Queensland Lungfish
Using models to help manage the impacts of carp
Population models to inform fish and waterway management

Selected publications
Dr Zeb Tonkin

Zeb Tonkin
Zeb manages the Instream Habitat and Environmental Flows program. Zeb has extensive experience in recruitment dynamics of freshwater fish, environmental flows, fish migratory behaviour, floodplain assemblages, threatened and pest species and habitat restoration. His broad skill base includes collection and identification of adult and larval fish, external and internal tagging (including radio and acoustic telemetry), otolith preparation and interpretation and data analysis. He manages numerous small and large projects involving a range of stakeholders.

Selected projects:
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)
Victorian instream habitat assessment
Recovering Macquarie Perch 

Selected publications
Dr Lily van Eeden

Lily van Eeden
Lily's PhD was in environmental social science which focused on understanding the human dimensions of wildlife management. This work centred around the Dingo and conflict with livestock production. Lily also has experience in environmental management in China and the USA. Her current research focuses on engaging Victorians with nature and understanding how to encourage pro-environmental behaviours among the public. She works in collaboration with RMIT's ICON Science and Monash University's BehaviourWorks teams.

Selected projects:
How Victorians can act for nature

Selected publications
Dr Lyndsey Vivian

Lyndsey Vivian
Lyndsey’s main area of research is the ecology of wetland and riparian ecosystems. Her work focuses on the impacts of altered disturbance regimes on wetland and riparian plants, and the use of environmental flows and other intervention strategies for ecosystem restoration. Lyndsey’s research involves both field-based surveys and experimental approaches.

Selected projects:
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)
Wetland Intervention Monitoring Program (WIMP)

Selected publications
Steve Werner 

Steve Werner 
Manager - Planning, Strategy & Reporting

Steve joined DELWP in 2006, after 25 years in the private sector and three in local government. He has extensive business management experience in strategic planning, process and system improvement, service excellence and change management. He has expertise in client feedback systems and has overseen a number of change management projects in both the private and public sectors.
Dr Lauren White

Lauren’s research primarily uses genetic data gathered from wild animal populations to address fundamental questions on how natural selection shapes biodiversity and practical questions of how we can conserve it. She has extensive experience in a wide range of molecular ecology methods and has applied them to highly varied sample-types, including tissue, blood, faeces, urine, bone, teeth, hair and feathers, and museum specimens ranging in age from 100 to 20,000 years old.

Selected projects:
Determining the population structure of  feral pigs using genetics
eDNA technology - an innovative  survey method
Genetic mark-recapture of feral deer to estimate population size and assess the efficacy of control programs

Selected publications
Matt White

Matt’s main research area is biogeography; focussing on modelling the spatial and temporal distribution of species, species traits, species assemblages, biotic and abiotic threats, ecosystem properties and landcover. This work has led to exploring the ways these data can be used to improve the efficient deployment of regulation and investment effort for biodiversity conservation.

Selected projects:
Regional Forest Agreements (Primary Rainforest Mapping) 
Habitat distribution models (HDMs)
Mapping vegetation extent and condition

Selected publications
Corrinne Wong

Corrinne Wong 
Manager - Business & Administrative Services

Corrinne brings extensive legal, contract and business management experience to the Institute. She has been with the Department since 2010, as Business & Legal Practice Manager, prior to which she was CEO of the Malaysian Bar’s Secretariat, where she oversaw a transformation of that organisation. She has extensive expertise in the field of contract management, leadership and change management and has a track record of building highly effective teams and process improvement.
Luke Woodford

Luke Woodford
Luke has expert knowledge in terrestrial wildlife survey techniques, innovative technologies such as camera trapping and equipment associated with ecological research. Luke also has expertise in all aspects of the ecology and management techniques of invasive, overabundant and threatened species, including exploring ways to accurately measure and improve the impact of introduced predator control programs.

Selected projects:
Deer-livestock interaction and disease
Quantifying the impacts of deer hunting on wild dog and fox scavenging activity
Testing methods to measure wild dog density using a novel camera trap-based approach

Selected publications
Dr Henry Wootton

Henry Wootton
Henry provides expertise as a population modeler, where he studies the responses of aquatic and terrestrial biota to management actions such as the amelioration of cold-water pollution and releases of environmental flows. His research interests focus on the responses of fish populations to stressors, such as fishing, warming climates and altered hydrological regimes, and asks questions across multiple scales (e.g. within reach to basin-wide). He also has extensive experience conducting field- and lab-based research in both freshwater and marine systems.

Selected projects:
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)
Flow-MER: Monitoring Evaluation and Research Program

Selected publications
Dr Jian Yen

Jian Yen 
Jian develops quantitative tools to support biodiversity management in aquatic environments. He has a background in statistics and mathematics and has extensive experience in modelling population and community dynamics. Jian’s recent work focuses on making the most of existing data sets with models that draw together different types of data. These models are being used to support environmental flow recommendations aimed at enhancing biodiversity in regulated rivers.

Selected projects:
Victorian Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Program (VEFMAP)

Selected publications

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Page last updated: 04/07/23