Involving the community in biodiversity conservation can have multiple positive benefits for both people and the environment. These include sharing knowledge, learning new skills,  increasing the amount of valuable ecological data collected, and co-contribution to on-ground management actions. Many of ARI’s projects involve local community members, such as land holders, naturalists and fishers, through training in survey and monitoring techniques, hearing about local observations and experience, or contributing to large scale habitat restoration. This collaboration recognises the value people place on their local environment, supports local leadership and advocacy in conservation, and can progress conservation in a highly effective, sustainable  way.

Engaging school children in river restoration with a fish game

We are keen to expand our citizen science program, research citizen science itself, and learn how to get more people involved. The brochure below outlines the benefits of citizen science projects (to both participants and scientists), how an effective citizen science program can be created, as well as useful approaches to creating individual projects.

Page last updated: 24/09/20