By actively encouraging knowledge dissemination and discussion we hope to raise awareness about key ecological issues and build opportunities for collaboration among our partners.

In 2020, we celebrated ARI’s 50 years of Science that Matters with the ‘ARI Legacy Seminar Series'. Recordings of these are available below where you can hear from some of ARI’s most esteemed researchers as they reflect on ARI’s scientific achievements, the evolution of environmental research and policy in Victoria, and how ARI might lead biodiversity research in future. We all have much to learn from each other, and the Seminar series continues to be an important part of the intellectual life of our Institute.

Scheduled seminar sessions are broadcast by webinar on Mondays 1-2 pm, unless otherwise indicated. Each session runs for a total of one hour and includes time for questions. Sessions may involve multiple speakers giving shorter 'snapshot' style presentations. Note that the schedule is subject to change at short notice.

If you would like to be on the seminar email notification list, which includes receiving presentation summaries and webinar (live viewing of seminar slides with audio via the internet) details, please subscribe below.

Other email subscriptions are also available, to the ARI eNews , and our regular Aquatic Ecology and Terrestrial Quarterly Updates :

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A selection of seminars from 2020-2023 are available to view via the recorded webinar - see links below:

2024 ARI Research Seminar Series

2024 Speaker(s) and subject

Marine Mammal Conservation - Hybrid seminar (TBC)
Dr Barbara Taylor
Incorporating the 'human dimension' in conservation planning for small cetaceans.
Dr Jay Barlow
Acoustics to study beaked whales (distribution, behavior, and even abundance).

Registration link coming soon

October21stCryptic calls and fishy intruders
Dr Ben Fanson (ARI)
Oh carp! Quantifying the ecological impacts of carp in Australia
Harriet Kulich (ARI)
Listening in: Detecting difficult waterbirds through novel audio analysis techniques
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
August12thARI Virtual Tour and Introduction (Science Week)
James Todd (ARI)
An Introduction to ARI - who we are, what we do and why we do it
Andy Geschke & Tess McLaren (ARI)
A tour of our facilities with Annette Muir, Tim O'Brien, Dr Josephine Machunter, Dr Jemma Cripps and Dr Jarod Lyon
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
July 15th Protecting birds in a changing environment
Danny Rogers (ARI)
Potential impacts of sea level rise on the shorebirds at Victoria’s Western Treatment Plant
Dr Nyil Khwaja (ARI)
How environmental water can be managed to benefit waterbirds in Victoria
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
June 24th The extraordinary work to understand our iconic banksia
Annette Muir (ARI)
How much fire is too much for our iconic Hairpin Banksia?
Laura Simmons (RBGV)
How conservation genetics can help banksia recovery after bushfires
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
May 27th Reconciliation Week – Understanding the impacts of cultural burning
Blair Gilson (WTOAC)
Dr Brad Farmilo (ARI)
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
May 13th Oh Deer! Is our environment a hog's breakfast?
Dr Lauren White (ARI)
Justin Cally (ARI)
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
April 29th Dr Lily van Eeden (RMIT)
Conservation is about us
Dr Kasey Stamation
How the community are helping us protect our endangered species
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube 
April 15th Dr Chris Jones (ARI)
Managing riverine vegetation with flows: what we know and what's next
Piyumi Wijepala (University of Melbourne)
Understanding the impact of flow timing and duration on native riparian understorey plants
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
March 18th Dr Emma Hudgins (University of Melbourne)
Modelling pest dispersal to protect our environment
Bev Yen (DEECA)
How sharing our data with the Victorian Biodiversity Atlas helps biodiversity
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube

2023 ARI Research Seminar Series

2023 Speaker(s) and subject
October9thJoslin Moore and Cindy Hauser (ARI)
Collective Science
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
September 18th Ruby Stoios and Annique Harris (ARI)
Fish, floods and earbones
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
August 7th Professor Richard Kingsford (University of NWS)
Strategic adaptive management
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
May 22nd Dr Graeme Coulson (University of Melbourne)
No place like home: a kangaroo translocation trial
Dr Matthew Rees (CSIRO)
Do foxes supress feral cats?
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
May 1st
Dr Steve Sinclair (ARI)
Sustainable practices in Mongolian grazing  management using ecology and local knowlege
Dr Andre Messina (Royal Botanic Gardens)
The role of seed and spore banks in safeguarding the future of many Victorian species
March 27th
Nick Porch (Deakin University)
Terrestrial Invertebrates - invlauable in evidence-based conservation
Peter Menkhorst (ARI)
Lost Worlds - Journeying back in time to help present-day conservation
February 13th
Dr Andy Danylchuck (University of Massachusettes Amherst)
Beyond Engagement: Leveraging angler passion for conservation
Dr Jarod Lyon (ARI)
10 in TEN -  threatened species recovery through Victoria's new conservation hatchery program

2022 ARI Research Seminar Series

2022Speaker(s) and subject
Dr Lauren White (ARI)
Genetic assessments of inbreeding in the wild
Dr Tiffany Kosch (UoM)
Genetic interventions to restore frogs threatened by chytridiomycosis
Dr Rachel Leihy (ARI)
Quantifying Antarctica’s unique biodiversity and wilderness value
Dr Joslin More (ARI)
Decision tools for conservation management
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
Dr Kate Lee (ARI)
People and nature in cities
Rose Macauley (UoM)
Sensory and cognitive connections with nature: exploring urban engagement with nature
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
Dr Sasha Pavlova (Monash University) – Genetic rescue in Conservation
Dr Zeb Tonkin (ARI) – Genetic rescue for Macquarie Perch
Dr Henry Wootton (ARI)
Can fish populations respond to fishing, warming temperature and altered hydrology?
Dr Nyil Khwaja (ARI)
Ecology and life-history of social birds
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
Get up, Stand up, Show up: what this means for Country, Culture and environmental management
Panellists: Maddi Miller (ARI/University of Melbourne), Teagan Goolmeer (University of Melbourne) and Rhianna Kerr (DELWP)
Facilitated by Fern Hames (ARI)
SWIFFT ARI Seminar - Science that Matters
Fern Hames  - Introduction to ARI
August 15th
Science Week Seminar
Dr Dave Ramsey (ARI)
Estimating species populations for environmental management
Dr Matt Bruce
Filling the knowledge gap with science
Vic Nature Festival
Dr Geoff Heard (UQ)
Australia's Threatened Species Index: Infrastructure for long-term monitoring of species trends
Justin Cally (ARI)
Koala distribution and abundance in East Gippsland
October 31st
Dr Jessica Walsh (Monash)
Rapidly assessing the conservation evidence for threatened ecosystems
Dr Tatsuya Amano (UQ)
Why language matters in conservation
Dr Eduardo Fernandez (University of Adelaide)
Animal behviour: training and managing species for conservation
Nick Rutter (Zoos Victoria)
What's new at the zoo? Training detection dogs for conservation applications

2021 ARI Research Seminar Series

Presentations that were part of our 2021 series. Recordings of these are available via YouTube - see links below.

2021Speaker(s) and subject
November 15th Lisa de Kleyn (RMIT)
Navigating stories, meanings and emotion as evidence: relationships with native forest

Kylie Soanes (University of Melbourne)
Stuck in the city with you: conserving species on our doorstep

View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
October 25th James Shelley (ARI, Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation)
What can eDNA tell conservation researchers?
James O'Dwyer (La Trobe University and ARI)
Using population genetics to understand life history traits within Murray cod
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
September 13th (Biodiversity Month) Tim O’Brien, Arn Tolsma, Tarmo Raadik, Jemma Cripps, Peter Menkhorst (ARI)
Bushfire recovery surveys for wildlife and flora
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
August 16th
(Science Week) –  Peter Griffioen (ARI, Ecological Analysis & Synthesis)
Identifying frog calls with Deep Learning AI
Jian Yen (ARI, Flows and Habitat)
Putting ecological modelling to the test
View a recording of this seminar on YouTube 
July 5th
(NAIDOC Week) – Denis Rose (Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owner Aboriginal Corporation) and Wayne Koster (ARI, Instream Habitat and Environmental Flows)
Partnerships in eel research
June 7th
(World Environment Day) – Ashley Sparrow (ARI, Riparian and Wetland Ecology)
Restoration Australia: The art of making run-down ecosystems new again
May 24th
Maddi Miller (Melbourne University & ARI)
Meet the Researcher: Maddi Miller on culture and country
Chris McCormack (Melbourne University & Remember the Wild)
The motivation we need? How good stories can save species
April 26th David Nipperess (NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment)
Measuring biodiversity and ecological integrity in NSW
March 22nd Lesley Head (University of Melbourne, School of Geography)
Mass fish kills, a crisis of modern water: understanding hydro-social change in the Murray-Darling Basin
View a recording of this webinar on YouTube
February 22nd Christina Renowden (ARI, Communication and Collaboration)
Nature connectedness: exploring integrated ArtScience experiences through head, heart, and hand
Lily van Eeden (ARI, RMIT, Monash BehaviourWorks)
Exploring human attitudes and behaviours to improve conservation outcomes
View a recording of this webinar on YouTube

2020 ARI Research Seminar Series

Presentations that were part of our 2020 series. Recordings of these are available via YouTube - see links below.

2020 Speaker(s) and subject
November 23rd Fern Hames (ARI, Communication and Collaboration)
What about people? The shifting role of people in our ecological equations

View a recording of this webinar on YouTube
October 19th John Koehn (ARI, Population Processes)
Fisheries, fish, aquatic ecology: progress over the past 40 years

View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
September 21st Lindy Lumsden (ARI, Wildlife Ecology)
Marvellous, mysterious mammals: ARI's legacy in mammal research over recent decades

View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
August 17th Josephine MacHunter, Tracey Regan, Annique Harris, Khorloo Batpurev (ARI)
ARI's bright future - science, policy and collaboration

View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
31st Peter Menkhorst (ARI, Waterbirds and Wetlands)
Laying the foundations: wildlife research at ARI,  1970-1995

View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
July 27th Matt White (ARI, Ecological Analysis and Synthesis)
Nature conservation in Victoria 1969-2020 - an abridged and idiosyncratic rendering

View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
June 15th Kim Lowe (Director, ARI)
ARI: celebrating 50 years of great science that matters for Victorians

View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
April 27th Melissa Hatty (Monash University and ARI)
Who needs to do what differently: why behavioural science matters in biodiversity conservation

View a recording of this seminar on YouTube
February 24th

Richard Faulkner (ARI, Communication and Collaboration)
Conservation in the Kimberley - a perspective from working within an NGO

Renae Ayres (ARI, Population Processes)
Trees for fish: Angler Riparian Partnerships Program

View a recording of this the seminar on GoTo Webinar

Page last updated: 22/10/24