Snowy Hydro Limited received approval in 2020 to construct a new large-scale pumped hydro-electric storage and generation scheme (Snowy 2.0), to increase hydro-electric capacity within the existing Snowy Mountains Hydro-electric Scheme. This will involve the connection of the Talbingo and Tantangara reservoirs through a series of underground pipes and an underground power generation station. Water will be transferred in both directions between the reservoirs, which are in separate river catchments. It has been identified that this water transfer may potentially result in the movement of fish species, including pest species.


ARI, in collaboration with other specialists, provided expert advice to Snowy Hydro to inform the selection of options for various aquatic Management Plans. The work is required as part of the New South Wales and Commonwealth approvals for this project. Advice has been provided within a suite of reports (see below) for two threatened native species which were identified as of particular concern through an Environment Impact Statement: the Stocky Galaxias (Galaxias tantangara) and Macquarie Perch (Macquaria australasica). The reports include reviews of existing information, monitoring and catchment survey programs, as well as translocation and captive breeding strategies. There is also pest surveillance advice to protect both species in the Mid to Upper Murrumbidgee catchment, as well as the salmonid fishery in Lake Eucumbene.

ARI has provided this advice given its direct experience on research, monitoring and managing Macquarie Perch and galaxiid species, including captive breeding and translocation actions.

For further information, contact or see the following reports:

Page last updated: 26/05/23